MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexico City lawmakers want to help newlyweds avoid the hassle of divorce by giving them an…
Bride-to-be Rachelle Friedman and her groom, Chris Chapman, give new meaning to the marriage vows to love each other “in…
today’sFUNNY=============================Mikey’s funnies A young man was sitting next to me in one of the two “husband chairs” in a ladies’…
On July 3rd Frylake had a private fireworks show, and it was amazing! Huge thanks to Cory Squire who planned…
Dakota riding off the high dive from Josh Alden on Vimeo.
Fry Lake has added a zip line to the list of fun things to do! It has been a team…
Not only did he do a great job on the message but he stuck around afterwards and did a bunch…
Trey Canard is a Champion supercross rider based in Shawnee Oklahoma, just a few miles down Hwy9 from Fry Lake. …
I say king of romance. If this is how he asks a gal to the prom, how do you suppose…